Foreign buyers
We are happy to offer shipping service to customers abroad, both whithin and
outside the EU. But please do contact us in advance for details regarding payment methods (Paypal or Bank transfer) and shipping costs to your country.
You will only pay for the item/items and shipping - no additionel charge for handeling and packaging.
When the goods have been shipped you will also receive an e-mail confirming
this and a track n' trace number so you can follow your parcel.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us:
NORWAY and ICELAND: On request we do mark parcels as "gift" or "present".
Best regards
Thomas Hast
A sub-compagny to Ikonic designs 1920-80
Søg / Search for products
- 80'er ting
- Art deco og Bauhaus effekter
- Bar og Cafe indretning
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- Legetøj: 1920-80
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- Originale vintage plakater
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- Skægge og løjerlige effekter
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- Ure og klokker
- Vintage smykker: sølv mm.